Weekend ReCup: the lazy and late edition

Good morning and happy Tuesday!

And…Happy December!!

Happy December

Can you believe it? We made it to the 12th month! I’m sorry, where did 2015 go?

After Thanksgiving I got sooo lazy this weekend. I also found my post-marathon blues, but more on that later.

We have a ReCUP to get to…


Thanksgiving Thursday/Friday

My parents were out of town all last week. They flew in to Oklahoma the day of Route 66 and made it to Tulsa just in time to see me finish, and had plans to spend the week with my sister (stationed in OK City) and grandpa (who lives just outside OK City).

What all this meant, was that the Boy and I would have to fend for ourselves if we wanted Thanksgiving dinner. GASP!!

I’m sure you guys are well aware by all of the recipes I post here, that I have tremendous kitchen skills. I make a mean bowl of cereal, what can I say?! 😉

Needless to say, the idea of having to cook a dinner that usually takes my mom hours to prepare had me a little on edge. But! I love Thanksgiving! I couldn’t go without my favorite holiday. I decided to adult-up and make some deliciousness.

Well…the Boy, being the smartie he is, decided it would make more sense for him to cook, and to just leave the corn-casserole-making/sangria-drinking to me (and Smokey).

Photo Nov 26, 2 08 14 PM

And that is just what we did! We started zero fires, and got into zero arguments. I call that a successful first Thanksgiving.

Photo Nov 26, 3 15 07 PM

The majority of our Black Friday was spent lounging around and spending way too much time surfing the web. We did hit up the gym for day two of my Runner’s World Run Streak, and leg day.


Am I the only one that loves leg day? I would do legs everyday if I could!

I was hoping to get in two miles on the treadmill, but could only manage one. I was so uncomfortable and my legs just felt so heavy and sluggish. It was not a pretty mile.

Photo Nov 27, 3 08 44 PM

After the gym we headed over to Crispers for a late lunch…

Photo Nov 27, 4 26 34 PM

And Movie Stop and Kohl’s for some quick browsing. It was late afternoon by time we got out there, so the crowds had pretty much died down.


My parents were supposed to get in late Friday night, but due to some unfortunate weather/”technical difficulties” they were forced to stay the night in Houston, and catch the first flight of the day back to Tampa.

They made it home though, and that’s all that matters!

The Boy and I hit up the gym for Runner’s World Run Streak day three (attempt) and chest and triceps day. I settled into this pace a little better, and didn’t feel as uncomfortable as the day prior, but still not fully recovered.

Photo Nov 28, 6 58 56 PM

We had a wild and crazy Saturday night with pizza delivery and Pixar’s Inside Out. 

Such a cute movie! But definitely had more of a made-for-adults vibe than I was expecting. It wasn’t “naughty” or anything; I could just see the themes/storyline going over the heads of children.


I had big plans for Sunday. I was going to get my oil changed, and work on some blog-projects, and catch up on some reading, and all this stuff that sounded so good on paper. And then…laziness!

I had zero energy! I’m not being hard on myself though, I was out of town last weekend; I’ll be out of town again this coming weekend. And this is a very stressful time for me at work. If I wanna be lazy, I’m gonna be lazy. 😉

The Boy and I ordered a couple of the new Amazon Fire Tablets.

Photo Nov 30, 9 52 45 PM

They were on sale for 35 bucks and are the perfect size for ebooks and movie-watching on the go. They were delivered on Sunday, so I spent some time getting mine setup and figuring out how to use a non-Apple product.

A little later in the day, we went to the gym for back and biceps. I attempted Runner’s World Run Streak day four, and ended up throwing in walk intervals. I made it a full mile, but then as I was stepping off the treadmill my knee got a little cranky with me.

My knee was not liking the deadlifts I tried immediately after, so I gave up on that and just did some stretching.

In that moment, I realized I have to give up my Runner’s World Run Streak; it’s just not worth it. I want to start training again next week, and need to allow my body enough time to recover from Route 66. It would really suck if I pushed it too hard and injured myself, for what…a silly run streak.

On that note, I have been spending a lot of time with my new foam roller. I think I’m going to nickname this thing “The Beast” because that’s how intense it is.

Photo Nov 28, 8 53 43 PM

I’m also proud to announce I have signed up for my first ever half marathon race! I went about things a little backwards (with two fulls already in the bag), but I’m super excited for Gasparilla 2016.


Questions of the day

What was the high and low of your weekend?

Any other crazies out there that did a full before doing a half?

Weekend ReCUP!

Happy Sunday! And…happy November!

I can’t believe it is already November. Where did 2015 go? The holidays are going to be here before we know it. I’m a little upset with International Plaza because they put up a Christmas tree and decorations this week BEFORE Halloween. I prefer we wait until after Thanksgiving, but at least let us get past Halloween, am I right…?

Rant over. 😉 I hope everyone had a great weekend! So, let’s get to the ReCUP…


Friday Night

I got to check off another restaurant on the list (you can read about that here and here). We met up with my parents at Tampa Bay Brewing Company for dinner and drinks. I was disappointed in their drink selection. For being Tampa Bay BREWING Company, I was expecting more than just 12 brews on the menu. I’m trying to expand my horizons, and while none of the brews were jumping out at me, I decided to order a “sampler tray” of 3 to try out.


I’m not a big beer drinker, or a beer drinker at all really, so I didn’t care for them. The one on the far left was my “favorite”, and by that, I mean it was the one I left the least of. 😉 But, their root beer is DELICIOUS!

We started with a pretzel appetizer.


The meatloaf, shepherd’s pie, and “bomb” burger all came highly recommended. Mom and dad shared the first two, I ordered the “bomb”, and the Boy just stuck with a regular burger.


The “bomb” burger comes encased in a pizza dough bun. It was quite tasty, but I wouldn’t order it again.


The meatloaf and shepherd’s pie however could definitely make a reoccurrence.


I was up bright and early. And… I say “bright” loosely, as it wasn’t bright at all. Kayla and I were set to run a 5k for Generations on the Go in Trinity. It was a lot of fun, and a larger race than I was expecting.


It wasn’t a great race for me though. I’m not really sure what happened, but I just kind of struggled through the entire thing. My finish time sucked, and I really expected more of myself, but there’s always next time. I guess it could have been the large cup of coffee I had less than a hour to start time… Whoops!


Also! I don’t know how, but I somehow started and paused my watch immediately when crossing the start line…and didn’t realize it until I was at least half a mile in. So frustrating!

But, at least I finished.


On the way back home, we stopped by the mall to grab a quick bite to eat. I opted for an acai bowl from the Fit2Run smoothie stand. It was just what I needed!


A bit later, I met up with mom for some errands and Starbucks. The new toasted graham latte is very yummy!


The Boy and I opted to spend our Halloween evening at my parents house passing out candy. But first, we ordered pizza and salad…


And then enjoyed seeing all of the little kids in costume. My favorite of the night was a kid dressed up as the mascot from Little Caesar’s. It was so good! And, I did not take a picture because I feel that would have been weird. 😉 So instead, I’ll show off Smokey’s costume…


The trick-or-treaters died down pretty early, so we headed back home so I could get packed up and in bed. Since I had the 5k, I pushed my long run (20 miles) to Sunday morning.

I was in bed by 10. That never happens, and it was so so so nice! However…


I could not for the life of me get out of bed this morning. I had two alarms going off, and there was just no budging. I’m not happy about it, but I stayed in bed. I decided I would just run later on in the day.

The Boy and I were super lazy all day, and watched “The Office” all day. It was awesome! Around lunchtime, I started getting really antsy. I wanted to run!

It was too hot though, so I settled on leaving the house around 4:00.

I’ve been doing my training runs lately with a nice regimen of GU packets (about every 4 miles). But today, I decided to try out the “5 before” statement on the back of the packet. It doesn’t matter what kind of run/distance it is, I don’t start feeling good until around mile 4, so I figured what could it hurt.

It actually worked out really well! I opened the packet when I was about 5 minutes out from the parking lot, and the first few miles felt great. I felt strong the entire time!

The plan was to park at Ballast Point Park, run down to the opposite end of Bayshore (about 4.5 miles away), head back to ballast Point Park, and then repeat- with an extra mile made up at the end.

I knew it was going to be dark for the second half of my run. I feel safe on Bayshore, so it didn’t bother me. However, with Daylight Savings, the automatic street lights didn’t get the memo. Half of the lights were out, and I couldn’t see. That made me not feel safe. I stopped at just under 10, and will finish up my mileage tomorrow.

Back home, I put on my compression sleeves, foam rolled, then elevated my legs, and put some ice on my knees.

Have a great night! I’m off to bed! 🙂

Question of the day

What was the high and low of your weekend?

I miss my nugget…and treadmill miles!

Good morning and happy Thursday!

The week has had a funkiness to it. The days feel completely off, but I’m surprised Friday is already almost here.

And, I’m really missing this little nugget.

I seriously cannot get over how yummy these Morningstar black bean burgers are. Yeah, I don’t care that we had them for dinner two nights in a row- they are good.

For lunch yesterday I ordered a smokehouse salad from Grandpa Johnson’s. It super yummy, but is a “heavy” salad.

After work I just really wasn’t feeling having to make the drive from Plant City to Tampa for the Fit2Run Fun Run; in 5:00 traffic it takes just around an hour to get there. I opted instead to go the gym and get in my run on the treadmill. I had a great 3.1 miles!

I met up with mom for Wok Wednesday at Wok Chi.

I spent the remainder of my evening foam rolling, watching Friends reruns, blog reading, and doing some computer work. What can I say, I live a wild and crazy life…

Oh, and just for fun…

Miss Boo got her first ever brand new car delivered yesterday!

Question of the day

How do you spend your wild and crazy evenings?