Weekend ReCup: the lazy and late edition

Good morning and happy Tuesday!

And…Happy December!!

Happy December

Can you believe it? We made it to the 12th month! I’m sorry, where did 2015 go?

After Thanksgiving I got sooo lazy this weekend. I also found my post-marathon blues, but more on that later.

We have a ReCUP to get to…


Thanksgiving Thursday/Friday

My parents were out of town all last week. They flew in to Oklahoma the day of Route 66 and made it to Tulsa just in time to see me finish, and had plans to spend the week with my sister (stationed in OK City) and grandpa (who lives just outside OK City).

What all this meant, was that the Boy and I would have to fend for ourselves if we wanted Thanksgiving dinner. GASP!!

I’m sure you guys are well aware by all of the recipes I post here, that I have tremendous kitchen skills. I make a mean bowl of cereal, what can I say?! 😉

Needless to say, the idea of having to cook a dinner that usually takes my mom hours to prepare had me a little on edge. But! I love Thanksgiving! I couldn’t go without my favorite holiday. I decided to adult-up and make some deliciousness.

Well…the Boy, being the smartie he is, decided it would make more sense for him to cook, and to just leave the corn-casserole-making/sangria-drinking to me (and Smokey).

Photo Nov 26, 2 08 14 PM

And that is just what we did! We started zero fires, and got into zero arguments. I call that a successful first Thanksgiving.

Photo Nov 26, 3 15 07 PM

The majority of our Black Friday was spent lounging around and spending way too much time surfing the web. We did hit up the gym for day two of my Runner’s World Run Streak, and leg day.


Am I the only one that loves leg day? I would do legs everyday if I could!

I was hoping to get in two miles on the treadmill, but could only manage one. I was so uncomfortable and my legs just felt so heavy and sluggish. It was not a pretty mile.

Photo Nov 27, 3 08 44 PM

After the gym we headed over to Crispers for a late lunch…

Photo Nov 27, 4 26 34 PM

And Movie Stop and Kohl’s for some quick browsing. It was late afternoon by time we got out there, so the crowds had pretty much died down.


My parents were supposed to get in late Friday night, but due to some unfortunate weather/”technical difficulties” they were forced to stay the night in Houston, and catch the first flight of the day back to Tampa.

They made it home though, and that’s all that matters!

The Boy and I hit up the gym for Runner’s World Run Streak day three (attempt) and chest and triceps day. I settled into this pace a little better, and didn’t feel as uncomfortable as the day prior, but still not fully recovered.

Photo Nov 28, 6 58 56 PM

We had a wild and crazy Saturday night with pizza delivery and Pixar’s Inside Out. 

Such a cute movie! But definitely had more of a made-for-adults vibe than I was expecting. It wasn’t “naughty” or anything; I could just see the themes/storyline going over the heads of children.


I had big plans for Sunday. I was going to get my oil changed, and work on some blog-projects, and catch up on some reading, and all this stuff that sounded so good on paper. And then…laziness!

I had zero energy! I’m not being hard on myself though, I was out of town last weekend; I’ll be out of town again this coming weekend. And this is a very stressful time for me at work. If I wanna be lazy, I’m gonna be lazy. 😉

The Boy and I ordered a couple of the new Amazon Fire Tablets.

Photo Nov 30, 9 52 45 PM

They were on sale for 35 bucks and are the perfect size for ebooks and movie-watching on the go. They were delivered on Sunday, so I spent some time getting mine setup and figuring out how to use a non-Apple product.

A little later in the day, we went to the gym for back and biceps. I attempted Runner’s World Run Streak day four, and ended up throwing in walk intervals. I made it a full mile, but then as I was stepping off the treadmill my knee got a little cranky with me.

My knee was not liking the deadlifts I tried immediately after, so I gave up on that and just did some stretching.

In that moment, I realized I have to give up my Runner’s World Run Streak; it’s just not worth it. I want to start training again next week, and need to allow my body enough time to recover from Route 66. It would really suck if I pushed it too hard and injured myself, for what…a silly run streak.

On that note, I have been spending a lot of time with my new foam roller. I think I’m going to nickname this thing “The Beast” because that’s how intense it is.

Photo Nov 28, 8 53 43 PM

I’m also proud to announce I have signed up for my first ever half marathon race! I went about things a little backwards (with two fulls already in the bag), but I’m super excited for Gasparilla 2016.


Questions of the day

What was the high and low of your weekend?

Any other crazies out there that did a full before doing a half?

Weekend ReCUP!

Happy Sunday!

I hope you’ve been having a great weekend! Mine has been very good- even if it went by a bit too fast.

Let’s get to the ReCUP…

Weekend ReCUP


For lunch I had steamed veggies and brown rice with a giant Polar Pop of Nuun! Yes, my new favorite thing is to get a 59 cent Polar Pop, fill it with nothing by ice and water and drop in a Nuun tablet. It is 44 ounces of pure heaven! The Boy thinks I’m crazy for getting so excited over a cup of ice, but I don’t care. It’s delicious!


For dinner, we went to Crazy Cafe. I know, big surprise! 😉

We then spent a relaxing night at home so that I could prep and pack for my Saturday long run. I’m curious, does anyone else have a pretty intense pre-longrun routine?


It was an early morning. I had plans to meet Cydney and Lisa from the training group in Hyde Park at 6:00. While I wasn’t the biggest fan of the time, I was pretty excited to wake up to this…


We had 15 miles on the schedule. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful run.


I really really enjoyed having some good company for those long miles, and will definitely be running with these girls again.


After we finished I was in need of all the coffee. YES! All of it! We stopped at Starbucks for coffee and eats.



Back home, I immediately put on an Icy Hot knee sleeve and my compression sleeves and settled into Legs Up the Wall. And yes, I know I have style.


Of course, I put all of this on before realizing that I wanted a Polar Pop. So to the gas station I went. 😉

This is kind of weird (especially for me), but Nuun was about the only thing that sounded good after the run. My Starbucks wrap wasn’t doing it for me; I didn’t even finish the entire thing. Back home, I tried a few other things but nothing sounded good until I remembered I had some hard-boiled eggs prepared. That with a little Sriracha and I was good to go. It really is a yummy snack!


For dinner, the Boy and I met up with my parents, Bubba, and Megan at the Spaghetti Warehouse. The Boy and I opted to split the Ultimate Feast for Two. It was very yummy and just what I needed.


There was also sangria. And no I didn’t drink the entire carafe. Promise!


We stopped by Kohl’s on the way home and then spent the remainder of our night watching Sons of Anarchy.


I had a brunch date with my good friend Kat. We met up at Mimi’s cafe, where I thoroughly enjoyed some lemon poppyseed pancakes.


Later in the afternoon, I met mom at the mall for some light shopping. I found a couple super deals on shirts. For the Boy. Why don’t I ever find 5 dollar work shirts for me?!

For lunch, we went to Wow That’s Fresh! I’m telling you, this place is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.


After a nice workout at the gym, we ran by Target to grab a few supplies for the work week. The remainder of my night was spent relaxing and catching up on some projects.

Question of the day

What was the high and low of your weekend?

Happy for the weekend and a fun Friday night

Happy Saturday!

I’m so happy the weekend is finally here. I have a few work-related errands to run today, but I am looking forward to being lazy the rest of the weekend. We’ll see if that actually plays out… 😉

Yesterday was a great great way to end the work week!

I was in South Tampa for the day, and finally got to enjoy a yummy lunch at Datz and dessert at Dough. If you recall, Datz and Dough are on the list of Tampa restaurants I have vowed to visit this year.

Complimentary newspaper-like menu

It’s always so busy when the Boy and I try to go, so Max and I went for a working lunch. We split a couple appetizers and a sandwich, and it was all so good.

Rosemary fries, mac bites, and a holy guacamole mezrah sandwich

I tried not to get too full since I knew I wanted to hit up Dough as well- that’s a hard thing to do at Datz…not leave feeling stuffed.

After lunch, we headed next door to grab one of Dough’s legendary donuts. This place was so cute inside, and reminded me a lot of Serendipity Cafe in Vegas.

How cute is this place?!

I order a chai latte and a s’mores donut. I don’t like marshmallows but I gobbled them up. It was all just so yummy!

Max invited me out for a girl’s night happy hour after work. After a bit of resistance, I agreed to tagalong. I was out of my element, but ended up having a lot of fun…heck, I stayed out almost 3 extra hours than I was planning to.

Max and I met up with Max’s friend Anna and, eventually 2 more friends of Anna joined- Gabriella and Christen.

We started at Malio’s downtown Tampa. Actually! The circular building I’m always posting pictures of- that’s where Malio’s is.

I forgot to snap pics here, but I had the world’s best sangria (ohmigosh, I know I will have dreams about this sangria), blue cheese sliders, and Shrimp Theresa.

After happy hour ended there, we walked over to Anise. I had never even heard of the place, but it was very nice. I had a Sangre “The Blackbird”; a fancy name for white sangria. 😉 It was good, but not as good as Malio’s (although that was red).

We didn’t order any food at Anise, but we probably should have… everything that came by us looked amazing.

After Anise, Max took me back to my car at the office, and then her and Anna went out some more. I was getting sleepy, so I opted out. I got home and was in bed by 11:30.

Looking back, I’m glad I decided to go because it was nice to get out of my comfort zone, and we did have a lot of fun. 🙂

And, for something random to end things on…

THIS is delicious! Who knew I liked cider?!

Question of the day

What do you have planned this weekend?