Weekend ReCUP!

Happy Sunday!

I hope your weekend has been great! I’m changing things up, and would like to welcome you to my Weekend RECUP! Don’t you just love that name?! 😉 I have my blogger friend Angie to thank for that!

Weekend ReCUP

So, let’s get to the ReCUP…


After a great day at work, it was time for Fit2Run’s Fashion Night. A super fun fundraiser/fashion show benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

With 20 bucks worth of raffle tickets in hand, I was ready to partay!


The fashion show was killer! Four categories of “wear”, and they definitely picked some great models!

One last strut around the track…

Mom and I had so much fun at Fashion Night, AND we both walked away winners! Mom won some CEP compression sleeves, and I won a Mizuno backpack and hat, and a Saucony outfit. I also got a Newton swag bag for being one of the first 50 to RSVP. I never win anything so this was all crazy exciting! 🙂

On the way home we picked up some carbs to prep for my long run the next morning. Pizza/pasta/salad from East Coast, and it totally hit the spot.


I was up by 5:00 AM. I started my run around 6:30, and watched the sun come up. I ran 13 beautiful miles; I ran it slow (even for me), and really just fell into a meditative state with it. It was a great run!

Lookin’ cute post-run… 😉

For our late lunch, I still wanted all the food. We went to Wow That’s Fresh! and I had a burger and fries and probably the world’s best side salad. This side salad had so much color and flavor!

The remainder of our Saturday was spent being lazy in front of the TV.


The Boy was nice enough to make us a yummy french toast breakfast.

Mom and I went into Tampa to Trader Joe’s, and then stopped for BOGO smoothies at Xtreme Juice. We obviously were not the only ones with the same idea…

Berry Blast, Pineapple Passion, and Raging Red Bull (x2) for the win!

After a pretty kick-butt strength training session, we stopped by Chipotle and had a living room picnic.

Have a great night!

Question of the day

What was the high and low of your weekend?

Hot, hot, hot!

Good morning and happy Thursday!

It has been a busy couple days! But, I’ve been having fun! And, the sun is back and in full force, so that’s a big yay!

I made it out to Fit2Run on Tuesday to try out their training program. It was super hot and I ended up leaving covered in gnats. Super gross, but I had a great time!

I am calling this workout “track-tempo-Tuesday”. We did a 10-minute warm-up, followed by some “track” drills (not actually done on a track), and a 30-minute tempo run- or, if you’re me and were dying because you hadn’t seen the sun in two weeks and it was 200 degrees out- a 30-minute run. 😉

Yesterday, I met up with Kim for Fit2Run’s Fun Run 5k. It was still (thankfully) nice and hot out; I felt great and strong, which was AWESOME!


And, I was so proud of Kim for 1) making it out, and 2) for rocking her run!

CEP was there for a demo.

It was nice to see that they released a new, thinner version of their compression sleeves. I would have loved to have tried them out, but I don’t care to run in compression sleeves/socks (I like them for recovery), and it was just too hot out.

After my run, I met up with mom at Starbucks. I grabbed a little snack and was dying to try their new cold brew.

With a little sweetener, it was very tasty!

My parents AC went out LAST WEDNESDAY, and their home warranty company and the AC repair guys they send out have been stringing them along, and…well…it just hasn’t been a fun situation.

My parents are trying to tough it out, but I know they must be miserable. I keep inviting them over. And finally, I had enough of it and picked up Smoke. So, we have a visitor… 🙂

He’s doing well, and…it never dawned on me that he had never experienced stairs before. Haha! He was pretty scared, but it was pretty cute.

Question of the day

Tell me, what has been the highlight of your week so far?

—For me, trying to get out there and be more of a social runner has been new and exciting!